Often guided by her fashion focus, Nikki Brar loves traveling the world to find inspiration for her new designs. Along the way, she enjoys documenting her adventures to share with the rest of the world.
Nikki Brar is a seasoned world traveler, having visited all seven continents to date. But she still hasn’t visited every country or seen every single state in the United States! Motivated by her passion for fashion, Nikki intends to set out to see the world, with specific attention to pit stops to visit the Big Four: New York (NYFW), London (LFW), Milan (MFW) and Paris (PFW).

In her world travel adventures, Nikki Brar hopes to visit as many museums as possible. In her experience, visiting a local museum can tell you a lot about an area and its people. Nikki’s visits to museums sometimes even inspire details in her fashion designs.
But it’s not all about fashion. Nikki Brar is an avid museumgoer and even makes the pastime the center of her world travels! On each trip she takes, Nikki specifically sets out to visit as many museums as possible. A natural fan of collections and curations, she loves to take inspiration from series of all kinds, from visual art galleries to halls of rarities.
Visiting a museum is a unique experience anywhere in the world. But when visiting a completely new place, museums offer an intimate look at the area’s customs and culture. Nikki Brar especially enjoys visiting museums that showcase contemporary series. These series often act as a starting point for developing Nikki’s travel itinerary, wherever in the world she has traveled to!
Nikki Brar’s world travel adventures have taken her to some of the most notable museums in the world, including The British Museum in London, Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, Uffizi Gallery in Florence and National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.